Here in my little corner of the world, it’s cold!
Though we’ve started a slow warming trend, for the past week or so, winter’s locked us in the deep freeze. I’m a born-and-raised Ozarks gal, but I’m not a fan of cold weather. Never have been, never will be.
The good thing?
It can’t last forever!
And despite the cold snap and single digit temperatures, 2018 ushered in some really great news.
On New Year’s Day, my agent contacted me. (I know. Such perfect timing and a day I’ll always remember!)
We had an offer on one of my projects! Not only that—it was a three-book offer for the series that is near and dear to my writer’s heart and has been for years. *pinch me*
When my husband found me sniffling in my closet, I’m sure he thought someone died. (Tweet this.)
(Whaaat? I mean, doesn’t everyone think and cry in their bedroom closet?)
I actually shared my news last weekend on Facebook, but in case you missed it, I wanted to mention it on today’s blog, too. Over the years, I’ve so appreciated your support and encouragement. You’ve made the journey sweeter.
Her Hope Discovered, the working title and the first novel in my series, will release with Mountain Brook Ink July 2019! (This is the novel that finaled in the ACFW Genesis Contest in 2016. I can’t wait to get it into readers’ hands!)
Now, you may ask why so long?
Well, (traditional) publication is a process. A lengthy one. (Believe it or not, two years is about the norm to get a book into print.)
As with the time-frame in actually writing a book and your agent finding a home for it, this is another stage where a lot happens.
To simplify, once the contract is signed by all parties—agent, author, and publisher—generally, the book goes back to the author for revisions. The author is then given a deadline when to produce the revised copy. Once the editor has it, there may be additional revisions, and of course, copy and line edits, etc., galley proofs back to the author, and again, the final copy back to the editor you’re working with.
Toss in some marketing and publicity, and a few other preliminary pre-pub musts, and there you have it—the publication date!
In next month’s newsletter (you can subscribe here or over in the sidebar), I’ll share a few more details.
Until then, you know where to find me. (Let’s just say, the coffee pot’s on and the fingers are flying!)
Thanks for dropping by!
BTW blog comment snafus are fixed. Let’s chat. 🙂
Pour some java, have a seat. Join me as I dish about recent news!
Has your time come and gone? Only if you believe it!
Inspirational tips to uplift and encourage writers.
Original Image Credit: FlyfishingHut/Pixabay
What are your New Year goals or are you a ONE WORD fan?
What’s happening over your way?
A few housekeeping items…
In case you haven’t heard, Facebook has (again) changed its algorithm and the way posts are viewed. Sadly, when authors (or others) post to their page, only a small fraction of followers will ever see their updates. To make sure we don’t miss each other there, please “like” my page. From my Facebook page, please update your preferences to “see first” under the “following” button on the header section. That way, my updates will appear first in your news feed.
Also, my monthly e-newsletters are where I share Ozarks trivia and writing vignettes, along with a big, ol’ bucket-load of encouragement. I’d love to have you join my newsletter family! Join us by subscribing here.
Finally, for those who like to plan ahead…
I’ll be speaking to our local ACFW MozArks group on Saturday, July 21st. We meet at Panera Bread, 2535 N. Kansas Expressway, in Springfield, MO., from 2-4 p.m. I’ll discuss the ins and outs of writing contests and what you need to know. Bring your laptop (or pen and notepad) and come have fun!
Much Love and Many Blessings,

Comments 8
Congratulations on your THREE-book deal, Cynthia! What an awesome start to the new year. So happy for you!
Laura, thank you so much! I can’t wait to share this series with readers!
What a wonderful start for your New Year, Cynthia!
I’m still SO happy for you! 🙂
Stay warm! Here in my Georgia neighborhood we’ve still got some snow on the ground, but the
little birds have been tweeting their hearts out as if to remind me that Spring *will* arrive!
Hugs, Patti Jo
Patti Jo, thank you! Today we had a heat wave—almost 50 degrees! Needless to say, I’m lovin’ it.
Best wishes on your recent release and big hugs backatcha!
Cynthia, mega-congrats on your THREE-book contract!
It’s interesting to learn the (working) title….Her Hope Discovered…and that this is your Genesis finalist manuscript. And how perfect to get “The Call”on New Year’s Day!
Looking forward to more details as you travel along the publishing path. Blessings!
Sherida, when my agent contacted me with the news, I loved her timing. (New Year’s Day? What a way to kick off the New Year!)
Thank you for your well-wishes—I so appreciate it! (And yes. Lots more to follow in future newsletters.) 😉
Congratulations! That’s fabulous news. I’ll look forward to reading your books ❤️
Iola, thank you so much! I’m so delighted you stopped by! It’s an exciting ride. 🙂