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Let’s face it– none of us can be happy every minute. There will be challenges and times of testing that make us want to throw the covers over our heads and hibernate.
Since that’s not an option for most people, folks trudge through the day, put on their “happy face” and endure.
That’s why I like this blog to be an uplifting place. Somewhere you can hang out and hibernate (for a little while), regroup, and perhaps feel a little better than when you first dropped in.
I want you to feel like you can belly up to the (coffee) bar, kick off your shoes, and let your hair down. (I certainly do!)
Because I like to encourage, I rarely tackle some of the topics you might see as “news” on national television. And, certainly murder, mayhem, and other mean behavior you can get any day of the week on T.V. or read on your local news stand. I like my blog to be a cut above that.
Today as we wind down the week, I wanted to share some things that put a smile on my face. I think you’ll be encouraged, too.
- Read Guideposts’ heartwarming story of how Dale Evans invited Roy Rogers to know God and how God helped this beloved musician shed his fear of public speaking. I learned some things about this talented duo I never knew before.
- Reba Hoffman talked about the power of dreams and what she learned from singing sensation Susan Boyle.
- Over at one of my favorite cyber sites, Sonoma Christian Home, check out Making the Most with the Talents God Gives You. Great thoughts here by Diane Paddison.
It’s spring break at our house soon so I’ll be taking next week off from blogging. I’m going to do some girly things with our daughter, catch up on some much-needed R & R, and of course I’ll probably write a tad, too.
You can catch me over on Facebook in the meantime where I post a Question of the Day and interact with friends on my page there. (If you “like” me, you’ll be able to join in the conversation.) And if you’re not already following me on Twitter, I’d love to connect with you in the Twitterverse, as well.
I’ll miss you at my cyber home, but please join me again on Monday, March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day)!
I appreciate you– {{{HUGS}}}
What’s made you happy this week?
Happy thoughts to kick off your weekend! (Click to Tweet)
Blessings Always,

Comments 6
What’s made me the happiest is realizing that even though I’m not likely to live to see my dreams come true…I’ve lived a bigger dream, by working with a good heart and scattering sunshine, as it were.
Into the lives of dogs (of course!) and, somewhat unexpectedly, into the lives of people.
Feeling like you’ve got one foot in Eternity makes it clear that there’s a lot more in life to be happy about than we generally realize.
And it points out that time spent in sadness and remorse is ultimately wasted. Experience sadness, sure, and move on. Feel bad for an error of omission or commission – and move on. You may have failed in your job, at the very worst, and death resulted – I once did.
But nothing brings that back, and placing my joy into the grave with my dead friends availed nothing. A lesson over twenty years coming, but welcome nonetheless!
What made me happy?
I’m happy that I’m happy!
Have a great Spring Break, Cindy!
Andrew, your courageous resolve inspires me! And no– we can never go back, only forward. You make this world a better place–truly.
See you back here soon!
I had a phone ‘meeting’ with my/our agent yesterday.
When I hung up. I felt like a million $.
I needed that shot in the arm. And in my creativity!
And have a LOVELY week!!
She’s the best isn’t she, Jennifer?! You have a super-blessed week, as well!
Hi Cynthia! I followed you here from Jill’s place (tried to leave a reply to your comment from her interview, but I guess too much time has passed). I just wanted to thank you for commenting (your son sounds awesome), and then I read this post and was glad I found your site! We all need a place of solace and a pick-me-up. What made me happy this week? Being forgiven for a hot-headed email I sent in the heat of the moment, and then apologized for. She was so gracious, and I was so grateful! 😉 Have a great week, Kathy
Kathy, delighted you stopped by! Glad you found your “happy spot” this week. =) Gratitude and encouragement are two qualities that always perk us up.