A Bird’s-Eye View from the Ozarks

Cynthia Herron Downtime 2 Comments


Last week I talked about the importance of stepping away from social media for a time. (You can read more here.)

For writers, it’s somewhat of a catch-22. We know we must write. We know, too, we must stay connected to a degree. However, the tendency to check in throughout the day (when we’ve promised ourselves a respite) can be sorely tempting.

What’s new in book news?

How about that presidential debate?

Where’s my cute puppy photo fix?

What’s trending on Pinterest? 

How many words did Sally Sue write today?

See what I mean? Self-restraint and specific goals are productivity musts.

It’s perfectly okay to reward ourselves with a little social media time during our self-imposed vacay, but balance is key. I’ve found, too, while it’s not necessary (or healthy) to stay tethered to Facebook and Twitter 24/7, it is a good idea to stay up to speed with industry news. (Discernment, discernment…remember?)

And about balance


Let’s revisit that for a moment. Here’s a refresher.

Who we are doesn’t have to be a balancing act. (Click-to-Tweet)

Who we are should be effortless—a seamless blending of tide to sand. If we live a life to please others and quench the essence of who we are, our breaths become like measured grains in the hourglass. Eventually, we grow weary under the weight of expectation. It’s sad.



Here’s my (not-so-perfect) method of remaining grounded:

  • Truth (with tact). If I’m having an off-day, you’re generally going to know it. I won’t pitch a temper tantrum (that’s just not my way), but I’ll be direct with as much love as I can muster. It’s not necessary that I air every detail, though I may ask you to pray.
  • Encourage others. I’ve walked the valley. In fact, I’ve hobbled, crawled, and wallowed my way through it. Because of this, I want to minister to others who are hurting. I want to uplift and come alongside. Writing is my career, but serving people is my ministry.
  • Focus on the immediate. Long-term goals are important and I have tons of them, but this moment is what I have now. And it’s the “now moments” that can influence lifetimes.
  • Indulge in the silly. I love to laugh. At myself, with you, or even at the goofy guy brushing his teeth at the stoplight. Humor is a balm to the soul. It transitions me to a lighter state of being and I just love that feeling.
  • Eyes on Christ. For me, it all begins and ends with Jesus. This writing thing is a hard gig. Without a personal relationship with my Savior, I couldn’t do it. Knowing there’s something beyond my day-to-day writing life puts the cache of words in much-needed perspective.

So, as I continue to pause for a bit to recharge and catch up on some much-needed writing time, today I wanted to share some great shots I snapped over the weekend. They’re a birds-eye view from my little niche in the Ozarks.

(((HUGS))) to you, my friend ~ Enjoy!


Heading our way? Don’t miss Williams Memorial Chapel on the beautiful College of the Ozarks campus.



The stained glass at William’s Memorial Chapel is stunning.



Sunday morning worship begins at 11:00.



God’s country… Where I draw my inspiration.




Respites, balance, and a little eye candy, too. Your five-minute recharge.




Why Your Time Matters

Top 10 Ways Writers Save Time

Time Management for Writers

How do YOU strike a (happy) balance between work and play?


My newsletter countdown is on!

Newsletter family—watch your inboxes next week! Not part of the fam? No worries! There’s still time— Sign up in the sidebar and get ready to feel the love. 🙂

Until next time ~

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Comments 2

  1. Julia

    In the midst of the presidential campaign and political mudslinging, receiving this blog in my inbox always makes me smile. I’m so glad to be part of this online ‘family.’

    1. Post

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