Image Credit: Downside-Up Circus/PhotopinCC
Well, I don’t know where you’re at, but here in the Ozarks, it’s knee-knocking cold!
Our recent temperatures have hung around the single digits with the afternoons a little warmer, but because of the wind chill factor, that’s only a slight reprieve. I don’t like it. Cold is cold!
And you may remember, I’m not a fan of winter.
I like spring. I’m fond of summer. I adore fall.
Now… if I lived along the Gulf Coast that would be ideal. Fewer tornadoes and no extreme temperature drops. Just lots of sunshine, warmth, sand, surf, and seafood. Oh—and island time. Ahhh.
But then, I suppose I’d deal with steamy humidity and the possibility of hurricanes. And I understand salt is hard on your car. And my hair would frizz. (And do you see that bunny?)
I’d miss these old hills and hollows inherent to the Ozarks, and I’d hanker for my roots and all that was familiar.
But a second home at the beach sure would be nice.
I know.
Sometimes, there’s just no pleasing a gal.
Still, we must pull up our big girl overalls, choose positivity, and be grateful for our blessings.
In light of that, I thought I’d send a smile and a little warmth your way! (Maybe you should read last year’s post, 10 Warm Thoughts for a Wintry Day, to rev your engine!)
Are you ready?
Get set.
Here we go!
12 Toasty Tidbits to Warm Your Heart
1. Are you a writer? Need a poke, a prod, or a pick-me-up? How about a call-to-action? Blow your nose and put down your hanky. Start here—–> When Success Eludes Why We Should Still Go for It.
2. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I do set goals. And I really like the idea of focusing on One Word as so many folks do. Take Jeanne Takenaka’s for example. Check out her word and her beautiful thoughts and photos here.
3. The little, ol’ matter of faith. Scary sometimes, isn’t it? But God says it doesn’t have to be! Karina Allen via (In)Courage sums it up beautifully. Here’s the perfect pick-me-up for your Friday.
4. God’s ways are higher than our ways. He guides, guards, and directs us even when we doubt. This story via Guideposts will inspire you to think beyond the tangible. Gave me goosebumps.
5. And this gem on prayer by my sweet friend, Donna Pyle. So much meat in this power-packed post!
6. Of course with the bitter cold, some comfort food is in order. Chicken and Dumplings always fits the bill. This recipe via Real Simple sounds divine! (The photo below isn’t from the online magazine, but looks similar to the recipe.)

Image Credit: I Believe I Can Fry/PhotopinCC
7. Need something to combat dry skin? Sarah Mueller’s homemade peppermint salve may be just your ticket. This is a recipe from Melissa Norris’s fantastic Christmas blog post series and I look forward to trying this one. (And what great sites these ladies have! Pop over and explore their helpful tips, hints, and recipes.)
8. Ever wonder how thankfulness and the attitude of our hearts go hand in hand with blessings? Pastor Tim Burt shares some poignant insights here. His thoughts give proper meaning to appreciation and it’s a wonderful lead-in to the weekend.
9. As you know, I love a good love story. I read about Ben and Mollie Davies’ joyous union a few months ago via Sonoma Christian Home. You may recognize Ben’s name from the movie Courageous. Ben and Mollie’s courtship and marriage is a sigh-worthy read. Happily so!
10. Calling all pickle fans! I think Lindsey Bridges has convinced me to give fried pickles a go. Looks easy enough. (And I really like Step #7. Oh. My. Word. I can almost taste those little babies now!)
11. What was a defining moment in your life? In this post I shared a bittersweet memory from the past. Find out what an auction taught me about corners and why we needn’t fear them.
12. For my writing friends whose stories revolve around families, babies, and children, check out Ruth Logan Herne’s thoughts on Seekerville. “Ruthy” shares her knowledge freely and she’s an absolute delight! (And Seekerville is a fun place for writers to hang out. Lots of writerly expertise, giveaways, and sense of community.)
Winter packing a wallop over your way? Toasty warmth here!
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How’s Old Man Winter treating you?
Here’s to peace.
And always…
See you back on Monday, my friend!
Blessings Always,

Comments 4
What a great list of resources!
We’re just thawing out from a snowstorm here. Still a bit of snow in the shady spots, but the slush is drying up. I have learned some things.
Some Pit Bulls love snow.
Some Huskies HATE snow. (Daddy! Carry me, and hold me OFF the snow so I can do my business!)
Ill-fitting snow boots suck.
Andrew, oh dear! I just laughed so hard. (But I’m sorry about the boots.)
I’d like a cup of whatever is in the image with this post! Stay warm, spring is almost here!
It’s hot chocolate, I believe, Patti. And yippee for spring!!!