I’ve always told my husband, “I want to retire on the beach.”
There’s just something about the sound of the incoming tide and living on island time that holds great appeal. Fewer tornadoes, no sudden temperature drops, and sunshine aplenty even in winter sound pretty sweet, too. Yep, I could definitely go for life on the water.
I wonder, though, would I miss my home? Not the physical residence so much (though our home holds a lot of precious memories), but moreso my heritage–the vibrant green hills and hollows known as the Ozarks. My beloved Ozarks. The place where my momma and daddy met, courted, fell in love, and raised their small family.
I think there’s a lot I’d probably miss. One can’t help but live in this little niche of God’s Country without it becoming deeply ingrained within the soul.
The Ozarks aren’t just a lovely geographic location. As cliché as it might sound, the Ozarks are indeed a way of life–a subtle blending of old and new. A step back in time, but with a nod to the future.
When everything else seems to be going down the garbage disposal elsewhere, life in my neck of the woods can seem downright delicious. It’s not perfectville, and we do have a few drawbacks, but at the end of the day, dessert’s almost as sweet here as it would be on the coast. Almost.
10 Sweet Things About the Ozarks:
A friendly wave is still the order of the day. Even when folks don’t know you.
We now have one of the lowest gas rates in the U.S. (Encourages us to keep our dollars local. Entices tourists to keep ’em local, too.)
We move at a slower pace. Except at dinner time.
We like to love on you. It’s who we are and we’re not afraid to show it!
We’re a patriotic lot. For instance, the American flag will always fly high and proud above the Cardinals.
Homestyle cookin’ means meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Oysters on the half shell? Not so much.
Sundays are for worship. Now, for some folks that might mean in a non-traditionally accepted way. We do have a few nice-sized lakes where some fishermen worship very freely.
We honor the tried and true, though innovation within our medical communities wins hands down.
When hard times happen, people pull together. If it’s for a good cause, the sky’s the limit on brownie-buying and bake sales.
Values are important. Just visit the College of the Ozarks campus and Silver Dollar City if you don’t believe me.
Photo Credit: crissroll/FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Blessings Always,

Comments 8
I think I told you this but I almost went to Ozarks Christian College, but settled in Springfield MO instead. The first time I felt my daughter’s movement was sitting at a Cumberland Brothers concert at Silver Dollar City! Of course, I know the kick was due to rebellion–me forcing her baby ears to hear the Cumberland Brothers. I could relate!LOL
Love this post! Love you!
Jess, thank you! My goodness, we could have been neighbors!
I enjoyed learning a little bit more about the Ozarks! I’m just going to have to come down for a visit! Sounds real homey to me…AND I want that cupcake at the top with that blue butter cream icing! If that’s how you guys in the Ozarks make cupcakes – I’m coming! Butter cream is my one weakness.
Loree, you just let me know when you’re coming and we’ll plan something BIG! Be ready to get loved on.
I’m having trouble thinking of them…
Growing up in the hills of West Virginia, the beach is totally opposite, and I miss the peacefulness there. I do love the oceanfront (some times of the year), I like city amenities like rec centers, water, sewer, cable/internet and shopping convenience.
Patti, I have to say that my idea of an oceanside retirement would involve complete serenity except for the sound of the seagulls overhead, and maybe the “gentle” roar of the incoming tide. As I said, life in the Ozarks is pretty sweet, so the circumstances would have to be just right for that dream to actually become reality. I bet the hills of West Virginia are indeed a visual treat!
Hi neighbor in the Ozarks and indeed my neck of the woods…as I can practically see in your back door! lol…Didn’t know if you knew this or not but Rick and I dream of living on the ocean too. In fact we may head that way in a couple of years when he retires! So we will save you a place by the beach! I love the Ozarks hills too but something about the ocean has me in total AWE of what our creator has done in the world.
Sugar, I’m waving at you!
I’ve loved the beach since I was a little girl. The sound of the incoming tide, the warmth of the sand between my toes, the soft lull of the seagull… God’s handiwork at its finest! I marvel at the majesty of it all. A little cabin in the Ozarks and a condo on the beach would be ideal. (And you never know, we may just set up camp next to you one day!)
Thanks so much for stopping by and brightening up my day!