Generally, I’m a happy person. I willingly choose joy.
Now, does that mean that I don’t experience sadness, heartache, doubt, or insecurity from time to time? Hardly. Like you, I’ve held hands with each of those at various life junctures. Some seasons have been a little more difficult than others.
Just because I’m a Christian doesn’t mean that life is always good, fair, kind, or easy. In fact, the enemy likes nothing better than to throw me off kilter. He revels in it.
If he can take the bounce out of a Christian’s step or deplete his/her joy, he celebrates because that’s what he’s here to do—to steal, kill, and destroy.
The great thing about being a Christian is that the enemy’s intent doesn’t matter. As a child of the Almighty King, I know that nothing can snatch me out of my Savior’s hand!
Recognizing this makes it easier, however, I’ve learned that to counteract negativity it’s necessary to be proactive.
Joy-Bearers have unique characteristics:
- Joy-bearers strike negative words from our vocabularies. Words like no. Won’t. Can’t. Never. Not now. Instead, joy-bearers choose words like yes. We will. Can. Certainly.
- Joy-bearers are not limited by the tangible. We have faith in the intangible. (Hebrews 11:1) We recognize that God’s vision and direction for our lives and those we love isn’t dependent on our frailties.
- Joy-bearers seek out opportunities. We make ourselves available. New possibilities excite us.
- Joy-bearers take leaps of faith. We realize that (healthy) risks are integral to growth.
- Joy-bearers spread the love. We’re the ones who quietly “pay it forward.” We go the extra mile when it would be easier not to.
- Joy-bearers enrich others. We willingly share our time, talents, and service. Being a blessing is our biggest motivator.
- Joy-bearers are intentional. We seek out ways to bless others. Doing the most with what little we have is our active mindset.
- Joy-bearers are approachable. We smile. We include. Our demeanors radiate the love of Christ.
- Joy-bearers are encouragers. We build up instead of tear down. We realize the power of positive thinking and the importance it can have on our circle of influence.
- Joy-bearers forgive past hurts and move beyond them. We realize we’re not perfect. (Ouch.) Why should we expect others to be?
Joy-Bearers have unique traits. 10 of the most common:
What do joy-bearers have in common? (10 characteristics)
Need Encouragement? Here’s a Basketful!
How to Have a Personal Relationship with Jesus
Original Image Credit: Geralt/Pixabay
What additional characteristics might joy-bearers have?
Do you think it’s possible to be a joy-bearer in the midst of personal hardship?
Much Love and Many Blessings,

Comments 6
Cynthia, it’s easy to see that you embrace joy. I picked up on that when I got to meet you in person. Your joyful outlook on life radiated from you.
I find it challenging to be a joy-bearer in the midst of hardships and have to work hard not to allow the tough times to bring me down. That’s why I pray extra hard when I’m in the midst of a difficult situation.
Keli, I appreciate your sweet words! I was over-the-moon happy to meet you at ACFW last September! Your tender heart and loving spirit shine through in the way you write, as well as in the way you connect with people.
While tough times can temporarily rob us of our joy, they’re just a mere hiccup in the light of eternity. And as you pointed out, prayer is key. 🙂
Love this post, Cynthia! Being joyful is about
perspective and not circumstances. I’ve been
taking to heart lately the passage by Paul that
talks about being content in whatever state he
finds himself. But we could also exchange the
word “content” with “joyful” and be an even
better witness. 🙂
Ahhh, Paul–one of my favorite Bible heroes, Tanya. He did teach us a lot about perspective and the role it plays in ministry, didn’t he?
It was such a pleasure to meet you last September. I could tell that you indeed have a joyous heart.
Very sweet, Cynthia. You are a joy-bearer for certain. 🙂
Shelli, thank you! As are you.