Writing Life and the In-Betweens

Cynthia Herron Writing Leave a Comment


As busy mom to a high school senior, the last few weeks have been a flurry of activity.

Graduation countdown is officially on!

Oh, my goodness. It seems surreal.

I’ve shared some of this year’s poignant moments (like this one and this one) with you. And if you’re a newsletter subscriber, you’ve enjoyed a double dose of mama-isms.

Recently, darling daughter  job shadowed a dietician, helped with community clean-up, and performed at the state choir competition. (Great news, BTW. Their group received “ones” from all judges! Now, the choir teacher, Mrs. N, has to dye her hair a fun and funky color—the exact shade to-be-determined.)

Next up—the community blood drive (which NHS assists at), the spring choir program, senior trip, prom, graduation practice, and a few other things I’m surely forgetting.


Where’s my handy-dandy assistant to organize it all? OH—wait. I’m the assistant! That’s yet another hat I wear. And somewhere in the in-betweens, I manage to carve out a little writing time, too.  🙂

If you’re a parent and you’re not where I’m at yet, no worries. You’ll make it!

Your child’s senior year is an extraordinary one. I’ve found it’s best to lean into the busyness—and savor those fragile moments that steal by so casually.

One moment, our children are just that. Kiddos. Wee little people who skip to the beat of their own delightful drum, destined to drive us crazy.

The next moment, those same kids transition to a new stage. A different place. Not quite adults, and yet, no longer our babies. (Although, mamas know that our babies will always be our babies. We just won’t tell them that. At least for a while.)

It’s a heart-tweaker because, as parents, we’re thrilled with their accomplishments and excited about their future. We want life’s best for them.

Still…the landscape’s changed. We’ve entered new territory.

With bittersweet resolve, we’ll pray God’s blessings over them and send them on their way.

Not because we want to. Because we must.

We’ll continue to guide, encourage, and offer a voice of reason.

Now—about the writing life and those things I just mentioned. The in-betweens.

We’ve chatted about this before. Some seasons will be busier than others. Some will feel a wee bit off-kilter, while others we’ll plow right through.

During the in-betweens, we may feel upended and somewhat emotional.

We may be our own worst critic, our harshest judge and jury.

On those days we don’t feel like writing or we just don’t have time, we’ll pause for a sentence or five because we know moods and situations are deceptive. The in-betweens will pass. Eventually.

We’ll want something to show for life’s checks and balances.

One sentence or a paragraph. One day at a time.

Sometimes, the in-betweens are slow-going and hard. Other times, they’re a mere blip on the radar—a little dot above the i in the grand scheme of life.

After all—that’s how books get written. In the in-betweens or after they’ve passed.


Onward, my friend!



When your in-between season needs a nudge. Today’s motivation.


How books get written. Encouragement for busy writers.



Original Image Credit: miradeshazer/Pixabay

What writing tips have worked for you during your season of busyness?

Did you miss your personal newsletter invitation? My May newsletter goes to subscribers’ inboxes soon and I’d love to send you one!

Here’s to a great day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

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