
When’s the Right Time to Share Your Heart?

Cynthia Herron Snippets of Life 2 Comments


Image Credit: geralt/Pixabay

Well, I sure won’t do that again. The thought pricked my subconscious as I turned to go.

I’d just shared my heart with someone who I thought would understand. Someone I trusted.

Instead of identifying with where I was coming from, however, this person wounded me—crushed my spirit with careless, unkind words.

Sound familiar?

I think we’ve all experienced those knee-jerk reactions—those grief-filled moments where clarity flies out the window, and hurt smacks us on the chin and takes up residence.


Left unchecked, the emotion usually plays out in a couple different scenarios.


  • We tamp it down and leave it to fester.
  • We rail against the injustice (publicly or privately).
  • We withdraw.
  • We forgive (eventually).


If we’re writers, we may write. We may pour all that sorrow and bitterness into our characters and stories. We may have our fictional folks say and do all the things we’d like to, but won’t. And hopefully, our characters will learn lessons and get their comeuppance in due time because that’s the way real life should work.

Should—but not always. Sometimes, God has a different plan.

The absolute worst thing to do is fire off on social media.

Name calling on Facebook and Twitter only fans the flames and makes the melting pot hotter.

How many times have we seen beloved stars’ posts (rants) go viral only for them to later apologize or retract something said in the heat of a moment?


In a heartbeat, credibility and reputation are dented and not so easily repaired. It can take months, years to re-establish brand. And it can take forever to repair a fractured heart and a soiled memory.


Granted, sometimes the right timing is involved when sharing our hearts. Sometimes, certain variables come into play.

  • Are our motives altruistic?
  • Is our confidante receptive?
  • Does this person have too much on his plate to be a good listener?
  • Is the party biased about the subject?
  • Is our own perception colored?
  • Are our emotions trustworthy?
  • Are health issues a factor—for them or us?



Myriad issues can affect the timing of our words.

Now—let’s look at the other side of the coin.

How about those things—those kindnesses (words, deeds, actions) we extend without expectation? Those things we willingly do simply because the Holy Spirit nudges us to share.

Aren’t those just the greatest?

Personally, those are the instances I remember the most.

My heart swells when I think of all the ways others have blessed me. I want to pass it on. I want to pay it forward.

Those are the God-ordained times, the instances that go beyond mere happenstance, that should prompt action.

In her poignant post, The Powerful Gift of a Woman With Kind Words (Club 31 Women), Christy Fitzwater, strikes a nerve. I loved what she had to say.

Read and be blessed. I was.



Is your timing off? When to share.

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The right motivation. Why timing is everything.

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Can you think of an instance when you shared your heart and it was perfect timing?

Happy Friday!

Much Love and Blessings Always,

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