Plane heading south

When Brands Go South

Cynthia Herron Uncategorized 4 Comments

Plane heading south

Image Credit: BrianWilson/PhotopinCC

In today’s world where we’re surrounded with a buffet of opportunity, I’m always intrigued by people’s choices.

“Branding” and the methodology behind it fascinates me.

Why do certain brands work? Why do others go south?

How successful is rebranding when confidence is compromised?

As a writer, I’m conscientious of everything that goes into my work. My website. This blog. What I’m about. Who I convey I am to you.

(By the way, this is one of the best definitions of brand I’ve seen.)

Because of the depth and breadth of social media (including the attractive bells and whistles associated with a brand), sometimes, brands are misleading.

There. I said it.

What we’re fed may be appealing, but maybe it’s not actually good for us. (In other words—the truth.)

As my mama always said: The proof is in the pudding.

A few examples come to mind.

For instance…

  • The massive recalls of millions of vehicles. One I can personally attest to. I’ve received three recall notices on three separate issues within a two month time frame on my car. All the issues are associated with traffic accidents, and in some cases, deaths. The notices inform me that while there are no parts immediately available—not to worry—the vehicle manufacturer will let me know when there are. Parts. Or something.
  • Anyone remember the great Christmas debacle? The one that involved one of my favorite department store chains? For a week or so, information was intentionally kept from the public until crisis management could draw up a game plan. Problem was a lot happened during that little ol’ week… and the ensuing months that followed. Let’s just say—millions of folks will probably never look at a bullseye quite the same way again. Yikes. I know I won’t—at least for a while. There will always be the lingering issue of trust. And that makes me really sad.
  • Then there’s this. The world-changing social media giant that we now have a love/hate relationship with. They made us love ’em alright. And then, of course, once they reeled us in, they drastically altered course and spoon-fed our statuses and updates to a very small percentage of our followers. But alas. It is free. For now. And we get what we pay for. Or do we? I understand from friends (who’ve purchased the media giant’s ads to guarantee a larger viewership) that the results are disappointing. We’ll see how this plays out. Currently, this adolescent is one of the biggest kids on the block—if not the biggest. Five years from today—who knows? Dissatisfaction and mistrust drive invention of bigger and bettereventually.
  • And one that may have affected only me.  But I don’t like spreading gossip. (Read the post and you be the judge.)

Now, how does branding affect creatives?

Well, as writers, I think authenticity speaks volumes. Nothing makes me run faster from someone who comes across as fake.

Sometimes, the transparency is all too obvious. Other times, a well-honed façade takes a little longer to discern.

I knew from Day One as I stepped back into writing, a lot had changed. Specifically, how writers and authors communicated their vision.

How did they connect with readers?

In what ways did they market themselves?

Did they form relationships or was it simply a numbers game?

Naturally, I want to be well-liked. I think, if we’re honest, most of us do. But what if we’re thrown off-kilter? What if we misstep or make a mistake?

I don’t know about you, but I develop more respect for those folks who are willing to say I’m sorry. I goofed. Please forgive me.

I suspect that carries more weight with most people.

Rebranding is a lot easier to accept when (genuine) humility is involved.

And it should be noted, that all rebranding isn’t necessarily a bad or distasteful thing. It may be a matter of improving upon an already good thing. It might mean shifting gears to a new area of interest or expertise that will build upon previous skills.

Regardless, our brand is our calling card. If we soil it, it may take years to rebuild trust. Some smudges can even last a lifetime.

Consider the multi-published author who is sweetness and light in public, but behind closed doors she disses others and speaks ill of the industry.

Her behavior is unattractive, but it also reflects deeper issues. Ones that damage control may have a hard time repairing if an ill-timed comment goes viral. (Which, as we’ve seen through our vast-reaching social media, can happen.)

When brands go south, I’ve often wondered about the driving force behind the plummet.

Is it greed?

Lack of integrity?

Misguided thinking?


All the above?

Considering our dispensable mindset, I think it’s something worth thinking about.

Why work our socks off only to find the new pair has holes?



 Tidbits from around the Web:

The Top 10 Personal Branding Blunders You Must Avoid via Forbes contributor William Arruda

Corporate Executives Think These Are the 10 Worst Brands in America per Business Insider

 Most Favored Brands in America via Geekwire (with easy-to-read infographic)

Additional thoughts about branding:

Your Brand: Bland or Glam?

Revisiting Author Taglines

Writing Advice:

Advice I Wish I’d Been Given When I Started per Jessica Bell

Daily Dose of Encouragement:

One Author’s Journey: A Tale of Publishing (A must-read that will motivate!)

The Morals of the Story (Part 2 companion post to the one above)



How successful is rebranding when confidence is compromised?

(Click to Tweet)

Why branding matters. Or does it really?

(Click to Tweet)

The proof is in the pudding—a word about brands.

(Click to Tweet)


What do you hope your brand says about you?

Can you think of an instance where you lost faith in a brand?

How important is brand integrity?

Here’s to a great day! *clink*

Blessings Always,

Comments 4

  1. Shelli Littleton

    Cynthia, I’m not sure I know what my brand is. I think I’m trying to allow God to build me. I want His direction … I know that is the best.

    I remember loving to watch Oprah in my 20s. When I heard her say publicly that Jesus was NOT the only way … well, I don’t keep up with her show anymore. But I now reminded to pray for her.

    1. Post
      Cynthia Herron

      Shelli, I know. I remember that episode, too. So sad.

      I tend to think of you as an encourager with a sweet, gentle heart. You’re doing the right thing trusting God for His timing.

    1. Post

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