
Time to Ditch the “D Word”

Cynthia Herron Writing Leave a Comment

Many years ago I sat in a meeting with “Jackie.”

I’ll never forget the awkwardness of that day. (You can read more here.)

Jackie rarely spoke well of others and often voiced her discontent with everything from A to Z. In short—she was no fun.

I believe her attitude reflected deeper issues, specifically her own self-doubt. She was trapped in a web of insecurity and loneliness.

After a time she stopped attending our writer’s group, but I always wondered what became of her.

I have to be honest—in some ways, it was a relief when Jackie left.

Folks seemed happier and Jackie’s departure encouraged a new cohesiveness among the group.

Still…a part of me was sad.

I don’t care for controversy or pot-stirring. I like everything happy, happy, happy!

I’m Miss Fix-It and I’d hoped to help Jackie in some way.  I saw potential in her writing and I thought maybe she could use a friend. An encourager.

Perhaps, you’ve known a Jackie.

Jackies are easy to spot. Their blunt assessment of reality is harsh and one-sided. Their mindset is fixed on the negative. It’s a sticky place to be and a difficult way to live.


Well, because those attitudes set off a chain reaction. Doubt begets doubt and stops forward thinking in its tracks. It paralyzes its victims and drains the storehouse dry.

It kills the possibility of joy.

The thing is writers get other writers’ doubt.

We understand it.

We get the fear. The sense of isolation. The endless hours of creating, processing, and perfecting a craft that’s so subjective, yet so easily judged.

While it’s true we must develop thick skins in this business, doubt can dog the best of us.

Self-doubt. Doubt about the industry, our ministry, and the writing life in general.

Since I’m a Pollyanna thinker, I try very hard to ditch doubt. Some days it takes more effort than usual to play the glad game (watch the movie and you’ll understand), but positivity keeps me grounded.

Ditching doubt isn’t “I’m better than you” mentality. It’s the faith-based seed of hope.

Sometimes, it takes work—it’s an ongoing, conscious choice.

In my post Ditch Doubt, Define Your Destiny I explained why this will change your perspective. If you need a boost of encouragement today, I really hope you’ll read it.

Sending happy thoughts your way, my friend!



Are you a writer trapped by doubt? What you should know.

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Trapped in the fog? Encouragement for your day!

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What are you doubting today?

How will you choose to remain hopeful?


Much Love and Many Blessings,

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