…But the Greatest of These is Love

Cynthia Herron Writing faith-based romance 3 Comments

Like many couples, when my husband and I were married  we chose to include a portion of 1st Corinthians in our wedding vows: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. …

Finding Your Prince and Kissing the Toads Goodbye

Cynthia Herron Writing faith-based romance 14 Comments

Gee whiz, is it just me or has society’s perception of romance become more than a bit skewed? I don’t know about you, but I’m worn out with television programing these days. Not to sound prudish, but when something is touted as a “romance” on T.V. I expect it to deliver; I don’t want to see unflattering portrayals of what …

Keeping Christ in Christian Fiction

Cynthia Herron Christian Fiction 14 Comments

In today’s world “politically correct” seems to be the hot buzz phrase. And if we’re Christians, heaven help us because that ups the ante. We certainly don’t want to share our beliefs too loudly. That might offend. We mustn’t be too bold, joyful, or overzealous in spreading the message of the Gospel. It might alienate. And we can talk about Christmas …

Pass the Romance, Hold the Profanity…Writing (Faith-based) Romance in Today's World

Cynthia Herron Writing faith-based romance 13 Comments

For writers of faith-based romance, it seems to be a never-ending battle to keep up with the changing times, yet not fall prey to trends, euphemisms, and depiction of sin without repentance. We want to meet readers where they are and address real-life issues, but not offend. We want to offer the meat and potatoes, but not go overboard on …

Do Authors Need Taglines?

Cynthia Herron Uncategorized 6 Comments

Recently, I’ve heard a lot of discussion about author branding, taglines, platform, etc. 20 years or so ago, I’m not sure that I’d ever heard those terms. Of course, that was before the internet age, the social media frenzy, and the push for self-promotion. Once upon a time, much of the way an author was defined was left up to …

Marketing: Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Hungry.

Cynthia Herron Uncategorized 8 Comments

Since I’ve returned from the 2011 ACFW conference, I’ve tried to share some tips that you might find helpful. I know what it’s like to be on a journey that can, at times, be very lonely, and to hunger for bread crumbs of information about the craft (the ministry) that we love so much. I’ve found that journeys never really end; we …

Blending In or Standing Out? (A Word about Author Branding)

Cynthia Herron Uncategorized 13 Comments

For newer authors just starting out, we may get so caught up in the whirlwind moments of writing that we neglect the one thing that will set us apart from other writers–our brand. Recently, I was privileged to hear Shannon Vannatter speak at a branding and marketing workshop while at the 2011 ACFW conference. Shannon is a talented inspirational romance author whose …

Staying Christ-focused While Keeping it Real: Love Scenes in Faith-based Romance

Cynthia Herron Writing faith-based romance 12 Comments

At the 2011 American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) conference, I recently had the opportunity to attend many interesting workshops that pertained to the writing craft. Since I write faith-based romance, naturally I registered for the A Kiss is Not Just a Kiss session taught by Christian authors Julie Lessman and Ruth Axtell Morren. This particular workshop focused on how to write an …

Stuck on You

Cynthia Herron Christian Fiction, Romance 8 Comments

Since I write heartfelt, homespun, contemporary Christian romance, I often contemplate which content to leave in, what to edit out. I’m deeply aware that my words, my thoughts, and my novels as a whole should always reflect the love of Jesus Christ first and foremost. Any other relationship is secondary.  As a Christian, I’ve made the following commitments: to point others toward …

Doesn't It Just Get Your Goat?

Cynthia Herron Christian Fiction, Writing 5 Comments

Recently I spoke about marketing, gimmicks, and being a savvy consumer.  As I mentioned before, “gimmicks” affect everything we buy–from the simple to the complex. Marketing tools and tricks abound. Many of the purchases we make are based on desire, eye appeal, and internal/external expectations. Distributors know that if they play on our sympathy, we’ll usually cave. If they convince us …