Valentine ducks

Let’s Talk Valentines!

Cynthia Herron Favorite Things 2 Comments

Ahhh. Valentine’s Day. One of my favorite holidays! Just mention the word valentine and I go all mushy inside. Of course I would. (There’s a reason I live, breathe, and write romance. I’m a romantic! A huge one.) And I’m always on a mission. Remember that little pocket notebook I carry? Often, when I’m out and about and I see …

Got a Problem? Here’s the Solution!

Cynthia Herron Trials 6 Comments

Many years ago, our then five-year-old son trudged into the kitchen, “I don’t wanna go back to school.” He dropped his Ninja Turtle backpack on the floor and crossed his tiny arms to emphasize the point. “Mrs. C doesn’t like questions and she doesn’t like teaching kids either.” Surely, he’d misjudged Mrs. C. The teacher we’d just met at Open …

Why Old Trucks Are Like Writers

Cynthia Herron Writing 4 Comments

Where I live there are a lot of hills, hollows, and hayfields. And cows, barns, farms, and old trucks. The land is ripe with color and rich in stories. And, of course, for this writer those stories are my lifeblood. Some of those stories will get passed down to my children. Others, perhaps, will find their way to future books. Like the …

Why Writers Do What We Do

Cynthia Herron Writing 13 Comments

If you write, no doubt you’ve been asked, “Why do you do it?” Is it for the neck cramps, back aches, carpal tunnel, or crossed eyes? Our 10+ hour days at the computer? How about the bonbons on a silver tray via our assistants? Perhaps, we write for the fame, fortune, and accolades. Hmmm…So many reasons. So difficult to decide. …