Why Writers Do What We Do

Cynthia Herron Writing 13 Comments

If you write, no doubt you’ve been asked, “Why do you do it?” Is it for the neck cramps, back aches, carpal tunnel, or crossed eyes? Our 10+ hour days at the computer? How about the bonbons on a silver tray via our assistants? Perhaps, we write for the fame, fortune, and accolades. Hmmm…So many reasons. So difficult to decide. …

Bookworms and Brain Surgeons

Cynthia Herron Writing 11 Comments

As a teen-ager, the town I lived in was very small. There were a handful of gas stations and convenience stores, two or three smallish supermarkets, a consolidated school, one caution light midway through town, and an old white house that had been converted into the town library. Our home was about four or five blocks from the library, and …

The Three R's…Reading, Recipes, and Romance

Cynthia Herron Christian Fiction, Romance 5 Comments

Many years ago, when my husband and I were first married, I cooked and made practically everything from scratch. I did this for several reasons: It was cheaper. That’s how my momma taught me. We didn’t have all the prepared things then that we do today. It just plain tasted better! I’ll always remember one of the first meals I made …