Don’t Compare Your Productive Season to Someone Else’s

Cynthia Herron Writing 6 Comments

Ahhh. After another round of snow and sleet last weekend, I’m just itching for warmer weather, sunshine, and…spring! It’s coming, folks. I can feel it! It’s been an odd winter and I’m excited about the approaching season. Record-breaking cold and sun-starved days do little to inspire me. Sometimes, it’s a challenge to push through and accomplish simple writing goals. And …

Seasons, Productivity, and a Word of Encouragement

Cynthia Herron Encouragement 6 Comments

Do you find there are certain times of the year where you feel more productive? Seasons where you realize more of your goals than others? If you’re nodding your head “yes” you’re not alone! And because of that, I wanted to share a message of encouragement with you today. I think, for me, my productive times are the summer months. There are a lot …