Berries on a frosty morning

One Down, One More to Go

Cynthia Herron Family Time 5 Comments

By now, we’ve eaten our fair share of turkey, potatoes, and pumpkin pie. Dinner guests have come and gone, Black Friday is but a memory, and November waved good-bye with a 30 degree temperature drop. One major holiday down and one more to go. Ahhh. This past Thanksgiving was a poignant one for our family. It was the first major …

The Season Called Hope

Cynthia Herron Christianity 2 Comments

For many, the Christmas season is a difficult one. The hurting have perfected their smiles and cued the proper phrases. Facades are in place and sorrows safely tucked away. Memories are tamped down, snuffed out, and extinguished until it’s deemed appropriate to resurrect the past. (After all, Christmas is a happy time and it wouldn’t be fair to rain on someone else’s holiday.) …