When God Takes Our Crud and Creates Something New

Cynthia Herron Encouragement 13 Comments

Well, I’m not gonna lie. The last seven days or so have been like a ride on a roller coaster. Backwards. My mama is getting better. Each day brings improvement and increased mobility. I’m so thankful that God raised up caring, compassionate caregivers at the hospital during and after her surgery. She’s home now and getting better each day. We …

Disappointed, but Not Defeated: When God’s Got This and You Don’t

Cynthia Herron Encouragement 10 Comments

I had a disappointment last week. It was one of those Cinderella moments where my coach turned into a pumpkin and not the other way around. Oddly, the hurt wasn’t one of those swift and immediate kind of things, but instead, a topsy-turvy ride that came (much later) in wave upon wave of nauseous discouragement. What? Yikes! Yes, it’s true. Even …

Wishing You a Blessed Merry Christmas

Cynthia Herron Snippets of Life 8 Comments

My goodness, can you believe it? Eleven days until Christmas! I hope you’re able to revel in the excitement of this blessed time of year and that the busyness of the holiday season hasn’t put a dent in your joy. I hope every time you’re met with a “Happy Holidays,” you’ll respond with a “Merry CHRISTmas” in return. I hope you’ll smile …

The Season Called Hope

Cynthia Herron Christianity 2 Comments

For many, the Christmas season is a difficult one. The hurting have perfected their smiles and cued the proper phrases. Facades are in place and sorrows safely tucked away. Memories are tamped down, snuffed out, and extinguished until it’s deemed appropriate to resurrect the past. (After all, Christmas is a happy time and it wouldn’t be fair to rain on someone else’s holiday.) …

Drinking in Excellence and Sharing the Cup

Cynthia Herron Encouragement, Writing, Writing Christian Fiction 6 Comments

When we’re surrounded by everyday beauty, sometimes it’s easy to become a little complacent thinking that it’s always going to be there–that it’s always going to be a given. My heart aches for all of those touched recently by natural disasters, unforseen circumstances, and random acts of violence. I tend to dwell on these things, reflecting on how I, personally, can make …

At Calvary

Cynthia Herron Christianity 2 Comments

Sometimes I wonder if I’m too “preachy” in my posts.  It truly isn’t my intention.  I just feel that, as Christians, it’s our mission to share the message of salvation.  Perhaps, there is one reading this blog post today that doesn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Maybe you don’t understand what it’s all about or how to ask …

A Cure For What Ails Us

Cynthia Herron Christianity, Writing 3 Comments

A few years ago, we vacationed in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Eureka Springs is one of those rare gems whose beauty is unsurpassed.  This quaint town has it all:  breathtaking landscapes, striking, Victorian architecture, historical landmarks, arts and craft venues, museums, trolleys, and a host of friendly folks! Since “Eureka!” means, literally, “I found …