The Power of Imagination

Cynthia Herron Writing 4 Comments

Photo Credit: Angus Kirk/Creative Commons Ask writers why they write and I bet you’ll get a hundred different answers. Ask them again what motivates them to write, and I think the answers may boil down to this one thing: imagination. Writers are wired differently. We’re artists. We see things in multidimensional worlds and colors. Our minds race with new and varied possibilities. …

The Bosom Buddy Connection

Cynthia Herron Social Networking 6 Comments

While growing up, many of us had “best friends” or at least a close-knit circle of friends. Our “bosom buddies” often shared our interests, kept our secrets, and listened with a well-trained ear. Today, because of the depth and breadth of social media and online connections, it’s easier than ever before to hook up with like-minded and fun-oriented folks. Granted, some …

Geographic Region: Adding Flavor to Our Stories

Cynthia Herron Settings 6 Comments

As a small child, I loved combing the hills and hollows of the Ozarks. It seemed like everywhere I turned there was a grand adventure waiting to happen. Often, we’d pile in the family car and strike out on the endless drive to nowhere. “Sunday drives” are less common now, but when I was a little girl, they were the order …

What Fuels Our Creativity

Cynthia Herron Writing 6 Comments

Last week I talked about research trips adding dimension to our writing. As writers, side trips away from our desks and computers aren’t just a fun way to “get away from it all.” These trips recharge our brains and fuel our creativity. When we see something besides the four walls of our offices or work spaces, we’re reminded that there is life …