A Little Love and Encouragement (Plenty for Everyone!)

Cynthia Herron Blogging 6 Comments

If you’ve visited my cyber home for very long, you know many of my posts center around love and encouragement. Why? Well–I’m glad you asked. Love and encouragement are near and dear to my heart for a couple of reasons. We live with enough negativity in this old world. Folks are starved for joy. I’ve experienced adversity. Perhaps, you have, too. That’s why you need some good, old-fashioned …

10 Ways to Encourage a Writer

Cynthia Herron Encouragement 8 Comments

Who doesn’t love a big, ol’ dose of encouragement when the doldrums strike? Let’s be honest. We all do! Since writing is a solitary career, I’ll use that as an example. Writers face unique challenges that others who work outside the home may not. Our vocation is a rather unconventional calling. We rarely keep regular hours. Our computers are our …

Some Fall Blog Changes Afoot!

Cynthia Herron Blogging 6 Comments

Fall is hands-down one of my favorite times of year! I adore the feast of color, and later, the scent of burning leaves. I’m also crazy about the mums, the gourds, and the pumpkins! (If you’d like to know more, you can check out My 20 Favorite Things about Fall post.) Now, onto the meat of this post. Fall means change, but …

Today’s Story… Why Blend the Past with the Present?

Cynthia Herron Writing 4 Comments

I’ve thought a lot about how much the past affects our present. It influences everything: cultural differences, lifestyles, the way we speak, the way we dress, what drives us to succeed, others’ perceptions of us, and a host of other things. Believe me, because of where I live I’ve heard just about every hillbilly joke there is. I try to …

ACFW Conference 2013 (Part 1)

Cynthia Herron Writing Conferences 4 Comments

Well, as I type this post I’m exhausted. Happily so, but bleary-eyed nonetheless. My suitcase sits in the bedroom floor and still needs unpacked. The house is a little dusty, my office somewhat of a mess, and there are a hundred things on my To Do list. (Well, maybe not a hundred. But dozens!) Today I thought it might be …

End of the Week Wrap-Up

Cynthia Herron Snippets of Life 6 Comments

Happy Friday, everyone! Hope this finds you well and looking forward to the weekend! (Help yourself to a slice of that decadent chocolate cake above–yummm!) I thought it might be fun today to do an end of the week wrap-up. In other words–let’s chit chat about what’s going on in each other’s lives. Pull up a chair, grab your plate, and …

Heartfelt, Homespun Fiction and Why We Love It

Cynthia Herron Writing 4 Comments

I talked to a friend recently who adores Heartfelt, Homespun Fiction (which, of course, happens to be my tagline.) “What do you like about it?” (I was curious and–yes, I admit–I wanted to use her answer for this blog post.) She thought for a moment and then smiled. “It’s like a hot fudge sundae. Sweet and satisfying, but leaves me wanting …

Writing 101: Write, Revise, Repeat

Cynthia Herron Writing 8 Comments

When I first started writing, I used anything I could get my hands on–tablets, stationery, legal pads, almost anything would do. It was a big day when I graduated to a typewriter. Then a word processor. Then a computer. I had arrived! I was finally going to be a real writer! Squeee! Ahhh  If only… If only there’d been Writing 101 waaayyy …

It Happened Again

Cynthia Herron Writing 10 Comments

It happened again. It’s not something I like to talk about because I’m the kind of gal who doesn’t like to hurt folks’ feelings. But here’s the truth: Sometimes, kind people–gals, guys, writers, bakers, and candlestick makers–get used. And not in a good way. Today’s post is a little diddy about TIME. If that’s something you struggle with or find difficult to balance, then …

Why Old Trucks Are Like Writers

Cynthia Herron Writing 4 Comments

Where I live there are a lot of hills, hollows, and hayfields. And cows, barns, farms, and old trucks. The land is ripe with color and rich in stories. And, of course, for this writer those stories are my lifeblood. Some of those stories will get passed down to my children. Others, perhaps, will find their way to future books. Like the …