“Easy” is Fun, but It’s The Hard Things That Deliver

Cynthia Herron Trials 3 Comments

I had the opportunity to visit our educator son’s classroom this week. The experience was surreal. Where there was once a little boy, now stood a man. A survivor. The teacher. Our son. Because of spring break, the school where he teaches wasn’t in session so halls were silent and desks were empty. Still… I envisioned young minds as they …

When God Takes Our Crud and Creates Something New

Cynthia Herron Encouragement 13 Comments

Well, I’m not gonna lie. The last seven days or so have been like a ride on a roller coaster. Backwards. My mama is getting better. Each day brings improvement and increased mobility. I’m so thankful that God raised up caring, compassionate caregivers at the hospital during and after her surgery. She’s home now and getting better each day. We …

Staying Encouraged During the Poopy Times

Cynthia Herron Encouragement, Writing 6 Comments

As many of you know, if you’ve read my blog posts for very long, I’m a “see the glass as half-full” kind of gal. If life hands me lemons, I’ll make a pitcher of iced tea and use those lemons. Hard times? Well, like Scarlett once said, “Tomorrow IS another day.” Challenges, disappointment, rejection, or trials? Got it covered. My …