Kermit the Frog resting

Are You Too Comfortable?

Cynthia Herron Snippets of Life 2 Comments

Comfortable. I even like the word. It makes me feel…well…comfortable. Just rolling the word around on my tongue evokes images of warm, fuzzy bedroom slippers and soft, cozy furniture. It makes me long for a field of wildflowers and a bed of green grass! Comfortable can be a real place or a euphoric sense of well-being. When we think of …

Why Your Comfort Zone Needs New Furniture

Cynthia Herron Uncategorized 8 Comments

Comfortable. I even like the word. It makes me feel…well…comfortable. Just rolling that four-syllable-word around on my tongue conjures images of warm, fuzzy bedroom slippers and soft, cozy furniture. When we think of “comfortable,” rarely do we picture a cold, sterile environment such as a hospital or waiting room. But then again, I guess it depends on your perspective. For those who …