Start With Baby Steps… Leap With Faith

Cynthia Herron Encouragement Leave a Comment

Start With Baby Steps...Leap With Faith

There’s nothing more exhilarating than watching our children take their first steps. As any parent will tell you, that milestone also comes with a mixed bag of emotion.

While those baby steps excite us, we realize we’re on the verge of something new—something thrilling, yet scary, too. We no longer have an infant on our hands. We now have a full-blown toddler. We’ve entered a new stage.

It’s a stage of growth and learning meshed with joy and concern. We know it’s normal, and yet we fear the unexpected.

There’s bound to be bruised knees and mishaps, along with frustration and heartache as our toddlers explore this new path.

As they try different things, we’ll cheer for goals mastered. We’ll shed a tear or two with pride.

Then the day comes.


Our toddler develops his sea legs.

He lets go of our hand—all the way.

He leaps with faith.

He lunges full-steam ahead, confident in his newfound abilities.

He’s no longer content to wait on Mom and Dad. He trusts he has what it takes to accomplish his mission.

Of course, sometimes this logic is skewed, but often success is earned through hard work and repetition. And usually, too, there are some failures along the way. While they might not understand enough to put it into words, toddlers eventually learn the value of try, try, try again.

Isn’t the same true for adults?

I don’t mean we go off half-cocked without consideration of consequences or that we choose options based on a whim.

I do mean after we’ve prayed, sought wise counsel, and weighed outcomes, we unlace our baby shoes and jump.

We drop our inhibitions and move beyond our comfort zones.

We choose opportunities.

We take (healthy) risks.

We step forward toward success.

We leap with faith.

Not only do we envision our goals, we own them. We tap into our wells of God-given strength and we go for broke.

One more day.

One more time.

Not because it makes sense, but because, often, it doesn’t.


“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

(Hebrews 11:1 NIV)



Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off. Try just one more time.


Sometimes, you just have to choose what doesn’t makes sense. Here’s why.



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Original Image Credit: Catkin/Pixabay

Have you failed at something only to try again and succeed?

What leaps of faith have you taken?

What are you doing to make your dreams happen?


I’m in a busy season so you may notice my blogs posting later than usual.

Thanks for extending grace as I move forward with new goals.

You are loved.

Much Love and Many Blessings,

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