Hi, friends! What a wonderful treat I have in store for you today!
Are you thirsty? Well, grab your empty glass and pull up a seat. We’re going to have some fun!
What? you may say.
You mean Christians have fun?
Of course we do! We weren’t created to live dry, mediocre, or humdrum lives. We were created for so much more!
That’s why I’m thrilled to chat with you today about author Donna Pyle’s new book, Quenched: Christ’s Living Water for a Thirsty Soul.
Tip your glass a wee bit closer. Here we go!
Quenched is divided into two obvious sections—the first half of this marvelous book is geared toward new disciples of Christ, and the second half is written with “veteran disciples” in mind.
The surprising (and delightful) thing?
There were aspects of both sections I found applicable. And both made me think.
I’ve been a believer since I was nine years old.
Still, as I began to read, the message seemed clear—no matter how long we’ve known Christ, there’s always room for improvement. In fact, the more we study and immerse ourselves in the meat of His Word, our relationship only grows sweeter.
We mature.
He quenches our thirst and hydrates our soul.
Since Christ is the living water, nothing else can satisfy the way He can. The world offers temporary fixes or its version of happiness, but often, for a price.
Christ grants eternal happiness forever because He’s already paid the price.
Quenched is a short, quick read (about 220 pgs). However—I lingered over specific sections and chewed on the author’s words, studying referenced scriptures and taking a mountain of notes.
From her initial walk as a new believer to subsequent years as a seasoned Christian, Donna pulled no punches. She didn’t talk at the reader. We conversed.
I immediately fell in love with Donna’s voice. Her sweet, gentle spirit resonated throughout each and every chapter. I liked the way she referenced biblical examples, as well as offered poignant vignettes from her own life with regard to need, desires, faults, foibles, and forgiveness.
In addition, Donna’s words prompted joy. They stirred. They excited.
This author challenged me in new and different ways.
She shelved ego in favor of being real.
Key takeaways:
- We need to drop the pretenses. How “church people” view and receive others is sometimes not what we imagine.
- We never know who we might influence for the cause of Christ. (Specifically, page 113 touched me in a huge way.)
- We tend to distort the Bible’s truths to fit our own pitiful agenda when Christ’s plan for us is perfect. No embellishment required! (Jeremiah 29:11—one of my favorite scriptures.)
- For our relationship with Christ to grow, it’s important to study, know, and apply scripture. We should ask for enlightenment as we seek understanding.
- At times, it’s necessary to pause over His word. Maybe for a day—or a season. Have you ever pondered a scripture or Bible passage for months, maybe even years, and then suddenly, boom! You get it! That’s because God provides insight when he knows we’re ready to receive it.
- To “dehydrated” folks who don’t yet know Christ, we should introduce them to the living water. The same water that’s quenched our thirst.
- The questions and “prayer starter” at the conclusion of each chapter are designed to grow us. They’re a great guide and didn’t require a lot of time. I enjoyed them!
Quenched didn’t have those preachy, holier-than-thou undertones we sometimes find in Christian literature. The author’s style was down-to-earth and unpretentious. Each point was underscored with courage. Grace. Love.
By exposing her own vulnerabilities, Donna caused me to dig deeper spiritually and self-reflect on the parched areas of my life.
And as she so aptly reminded me, I’m thankful for the living water that quenches my thirst and hydrates me from the inside out.
Quenched made me feel victorious.
My rating: 5/5 stars!
Note: Although this book was provided, this is my fair and honest opinion. I received no payment in exchange for this review.
Image Credits via author’s website.
Leave a comment (until 5 pm CST Sunday night, 10/19/14) for a chance to win Quenched: Christ’s Living Water for a Thirsty Soul by Donna Pyle.

Author Donna Pyle
*Must be 21 or over.
*Due to mailing restrictions, must live in the U.S.
*Void where prohibited.
*There will be one winner drawn at random.
*Winner will be announced on this blog 10/20/14.
Thirsty? Here’s the answer to your dry-as-dust day!
Can you think of a time your soul was parched?
How can we encourage others in their faith walk?
Blessings Always,

Comments 13
Cynthia, your beautiful, heartfelt review brought tears to my eyes. I’m so thankful God used Quenched to draw you closer to Him! Mission accomplished. Thank you so much, sweet Friend. 🙂
Donna, so delighted to review this life-changing book! You blessed me.
I should also mention I’m tougher when reviewing friends’ books and I try to intentionally steer clear of others’ reviews until I’ve written mine so I can remain impartial.
I can honestly say Quenched is a book readers will want to re-read because there’s so much to think about!
I was able to hear Donna speak at an LWML convention in Nebraska. She has a heart to share the love of God revealed in our Lord Jesus Christ! What a beautiful woman of God! Thank you for the chance to win her book!
Peg, your name is entered in the drawing for Quenched. Donna’s indeed the real deal and she has such a servant’s heart.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you for this wonderful blog. I am anxious to devour “Quenched” by Donna Pyle.
Julie, Donna truly has a heart for Christ. Quenched is the perfect blend of down-home truth and God-inspired wisdom, all balanced with applicable scripture.
Peg and Julie, I’m so thankful for you! You are beautiful women of the Word. 🙂
This one goes on my to-read list!
Andrew, your name’s entered in the drawing! Have a super-blessed weekend!
Thanks for that review- you convinced me this is a book to keep. It’s going on my wish list.
Ruth, Quenched caused me to re-examine some things in a new way. It’s a definite keeper!
I’m currently leading Donna’s Bible study
“Overflowing Abundance” about the feeding of the 5,000. Donna has such a warm and welcoming way about her and I’m awed at the nuggets of truth she extracts from each passage of scripture! Thanks for the chance to win her book.
Vicki, you’re so welcome! Thanks for stopping by.