Is it TIME to Refocus?

Cynthia Herron Motivation 4 Comments

www.authorcynthiaherron.comSometimes I’m drawn to a familiar train of thought. It might be something I’m passionate about or it might be something I’m impressed to explore further. Maybe (probably) it’s God’s way of stirring my heart, prompting me to focus or refocus on what really matters.

Lately, time seems to be the buzzword.

Perhaps, it’s because I wish I had more of it.

There are never enough moments in the day to accomplish everything I wish I could, never enough hours in the week to do yet one more thing.

But that’s not where I’m headed today. (Yes. The capitalization of TIME was intentional. See? Refocus, refocus. On what? Keep reading.)

Today I’m thinking of the writing journey and why so many writers  do everything they can to race through the journey or avoid it.

I suppose the most obvious reason we tend to manipulate something to our advantage or detriment is fear.

We either think (hope) we can bypass the learning curve and sprint past the roadblocks or we wait for the better opportunity, the better time to set out on our trip.

Race through or never start. Hmm… A conundrum, right?

Well, seasoned writers who’ve trekked over the river and through the woods for a while understand the writing journey’s a process. A trip like no other.

We realize there are highs, lows, and in-betweens. Sweet victories and grueling challenges. Sometimes, bittersweet acceptance of a temporary situation.

In writing circles this week, the word refocus also made its rounds.

It’s a great word. I like it.

It doesn’t beat around the bush. It doesn’t paint a pretty picture.

Refocus brings it home. It prompts action.

It forces us to remember why we do this thing—write.

As we mature in our journey, misgivings and—dare I name it—fear—take a back seat to our initial vision. We realize a fearful mindset does nothing to empower us or advance our cause.

When we refocus on why we started the journey in the first place, we commit ourselves. We shake off the man-made trappings of worldly defeat and we prepare for something bigger.

Something God-sized.

Beyond boundaries.

Without constraint.





At an impasse? Here’s your 60 second pick-me-up!


The writer’s dilemma. Maybe it’s time to do this.



Time to Ditch the “D Word”

Why Your Time Matters

When’s the Right Time to Share Your Heart?

Original Image Credit

How do you refocus?

If you write, what keeps you grounded?

Until next time, my friend.

Much Love and Many Blessings,

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