winter barn

Five Reasons to Start a Newsletter

Cynthia Herron Newsletters Leave a Comment

winter barn

Original Image Credit: Jill/Pixabay

Wait! Don’t shake your head and say, “Nope! Not me!”

Pause, take a deep breath, and let’s chat for a few minutes.

Are you a writer? A creative?

Someone with a passion for people? Do you like to share and encourage?

See! I knew it.

Today I want to talk about newsletters from a fiction writer’s perspective, but my thoughts and observations may appeal/apply to you, too.

Even if your vision or profession differs, if you have the desire to give and a heart for ministry, then a newsletter is the perfect way to pay-it-forward. (And note: a ministry-minded newsletter will always trump me-mes.)

With our favorite social media venues limiting our readership and ways we connect, it only makes sense to consider other choices.

Why be at the mercy of various networks whose mission is based on what works best for them?

Why rely on other mediums to get our message out when we have opportunity AND creativity at our disposal, too?

Now, don’t misunderstand. As writers, we still have to “market.” (Not always palatable or pleasant to think about, but it’s true.) We must put ourselves out there and think of new ways to prompt action and promote our craft. We must reinvent new from old ways of thinking.

That means taming our tongues, reframing our focus, and dedicating our talent. You know—serving others first.

Still on the fence about what to do? Well, shake a leg and jump on down!


Here are 5 reasons to start a newsletter:


1. Writers’ websites, blogs, and newsletters are our own. We’re in charge!


2. We control the design, content, and posting schedule. Big job, but even bigger payoff.


3. We have the choice, a voice, and a passion for our niche. A genuine heart resonates.


4. Opportunity and creativity are free. That’s a win-win scenario!


5. We grow our numbers by growing others first. Paying-it-forward always mushrooms.



These are the very reasons I’ve decided to start a monthly newsletter.

If you’re already a subscriber, by now you’ve received yesterday’s email. (If you’ve not yet signed up for my blog updates and newsletters, you can do that at the bottom of this post.) I’ll send out my first newsletter next month, just in time for spring.

In my email I mentioned what you’ll find in my monthly newsletters: writing updates and industry news, a recipe or two, and fun Heartfelt Homespun goodies, which reflect my Ozarks heritage.

My newsletters will have a similar feel to my blog posts, but the content won’t be the same. From time to time I may spotlight a subscriber (with his/her permission). There will be various sections written with your interests in mind.

Like my blog posts, my newsletters will uplift and inspire.

From my heart to yours.

With love.




Want More Joy? Say Good-bye to Your Gremlins!

Everyone Has Questions!

You’re Worth It


Want to think outside the box? 5 reasons you should!

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Don’t sit on the fence! Start a newsletter NOW!

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I’m starting a newsletter. You should, too!

(Click to Tweet)

Do you have a newsletter? Why or why not?

Help me decide–what else would you like to see in my newsletter?



If you’d like to receive my blog updates in a reader of your choice or by email, sign up at the bottom of my blog post on this page OR over in the sidebar. I post every Wednesday and Friday.

And don’t forget—Please SUBSCRIBE HERE (at my Welcome page) for my future newsletters. I promise not to spam you. Once you’ve signed up, let me know if you’d like to be spotlighted in an upcoming newsletter. I’d love to introduce you!


Blessings Always,

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