
Don’t Let Others Get You Down

Cynthia Herron Encouragement Leave a Comment


Original Image Credit: Pezibear/Pixabay

I’ve always enjoyed being active on social media.

I like to connect with like-minded folks. I like seeing what’s new in friends’ lives.

While I’m not able to do it all (and still write), I like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and blogging.

Recently, though, on some of the networks, I’ve noticed a trend. On some days, the trend goes in fits and starts. On others, it’s a steady, endless stream. Sometimes, too, the trend may be a drip, drip, drip like a slow leaky faucet that sorely needs some attention—as in turned off.

What trend am I talking about?

The one that prompts us to hide posts, ignore statuses, or click past updates and links because they’re just too depressing. (You know—the Debbie Downer trend.)

Granted, real life happens. Oh, how well I know that!

We all have valid needs, concerns, and things that upend us, but after a constant diet of bad, bad, bad, we can go a little nuts, nuts, nuts.

Occasionally, it’s necessary to unplug for a while or step away from those things that steal our joy or cause us upset. It’s emotionally beneficial to regroup and recenter our thinking.

For me, that time came around June.

I’d just scrolled through my personal Facebook feed, and there it was. That awful photo and news story of a tortured dog. You may have seen it, too. The graphic photo was in the media for weeks.

I think the friend who posted it on Facebook was outraged and well-intentioned.


I immediately hid her status and the photo, shut down Facebook for the day, and took a social media hiatus for a while. (Remember my post on balance?)

Still—the bad news lingered. I couldn’t get the photo out of my mind. The damage had been done.

My heart ached at yet another injustice—something that was beyond my control to change.

So I prayed.

More recently, other downers have included public rants, political posturing, and upheaval in the publishing world—much of it dragged out on social media in descriptive, play-by-play jargon with everyone and their twice-removed cousin weighing in on the various issues.

It’s enough to give this see-the-glass-half-full kind of gal a two aspirin migraine.

What did I decide to do about it?

Well, I prayed some more.

I realized I had a choice.

While I’m still active on social media, I’ve scaled back a bit.

I check in. I check out.

I banter with friends. I post, “like,” and share. I do my thing in a quicker amount of time, while still praying over specific needs folks mention and private messaging those who need a pick-me-up.

And then I write.

The new mindset’s challenged me. I’ve had to retrain myself not to default to my old routine.

The thing is it’s been good.

When we allow others to get us down we’re choosing that mindset and that in itself causes our frame of reference to shift—and not in a productive way. Don’t do it!

We can still empathize without internalizing so much of the noise.

It’s during those silent moments we rediscover purpose and claim the real victory.


*Nod to friend Ralene Burke for this blog post idea.

(And kudos to her for this happy post!)

Thanks, Ralene!


No-No Nancys have you down? This may help.

(Click to Tweet)

Tired of the bad news? The stand you need to take.

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How to Stay Motivated Despite Chronic Complainers

Don’t Be Daunted By Dream-Crushers

Isn’t It Time We Quit?

How to Have a Personal Relationship With Jesus


How do you turn off the “noise”?


Just a reminder—my website may go into “maintenance mode” for a few days while my media team updates some plug-ins. Please check back if that happens.

I’d also like to ask a favor—if you’ve signed up to receive my blog posts/newsletters in the past and you’re no longer receiving them, would you please resubscribe in the sidebar? I can’t do this for you and I’d really like to keep the encouragement rolling!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

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