Little boy daydreaming

Do This in a Big Way and Watch What Happens

Cynthia Herron Motivation 4 Comments

Little boy daydreaming

Image Credit: Ken Wilcox/PhotopinCC


Just the word spurs our imagination. And while we’re at it, if we’re going to dream, why not do it in a big way? Isn’t that the purpose—to envision something extraordinary?

I’ve always said:

Goals are something I try to realistically shoot for with God’s help.

Dreams, however, are something beyond the tangible, but completely possible with the One who moves mountains.

As life ebbs and flows we should press on toward our goals, but we should never ever let anyone discourage us from thinking with a miracle mindset!

Our dreams sustain us when the “pressing on” becomes too difficult. When reality bears down with unrelenting force.

There was a time my goals were sidelined. I could barely go through the motions of everyday life, let alone dream. Circumstances demanded I focus my attention on the issue at hand. At the time, that meant caring for one of our children who was gravely ill. (You can read more about that here.)

And yet…

Somewhere deep inside I carried that seed of something more. Something big. Something God-ordained.

Of course, my first and foremost dream revolved around our child’s health. That God would restore our son physically.

In addition, I yearned to pursue the career path that I’d dreamed about since I was seven. (And let me tell you, I dreamed in a big way!) I didn’t know how it was going to happen or when, but it was a dream that refused to die, sustained only by embers of hope.

And I refused to be daunted.

I think that’s the common thread that binds dreamers together.

We shun discouragement.

Doesn’t mean we’re never discouraged. It means we don’t place ourselves in the path of discouragement if given the choice.

I’ll admit—sometimes, that’s a hard one—and we have to re-train our thinking. But it can be done when we’re proactive about it. (Sometimes, we have to plow through the junk. There’s just no other way. But if you deal with chronic complainers or joy-stealers on a frequent basis, I have some thoughts for you.)

I loved what Wendy Lawton once said. (Be sure and read her post in its entirety. Especially if you’re a writer. She shared some great insights and I could not agreed more.)

Dreamers have experienced challenges, tests, and hardships, and we’ve not abandoned ship.

Despite the worst, we believe in God’s best.

To go a step further, big dreamers not only believe in God’s best, we believe it’s still ahead and we prepare for it!

It’s not lunacy.

It’s faith! (Hebrews 11:1)

So, why dream big?

  • It motivates us.
  • It creates momentum.
  • It encourages others.
  • It develops our mettle.
  • It prompts success.
  • It pleases God.



Dreaming big isn’t lunacy. It honors God. Here’s why:

(Click to Tweet)

Have you given up your dream? Here are some words of encouragement:

(Click to Tweet)

What’s your BIG dream? (We’d love to cheer you on!)

Here’s to Dreaming BIG!

Blessings Always,

Comments 4

  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Great thoughts!

    I find that even if I lose the belief that my dreams will ever come true, it’s still proper to work towards them.

    Action begets attitude.

    Id say more, but physical circumstances make it difficult to write this morning.

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  2. Melissa Tagg

    I LOVE this, Cindy. I am the person who annoys her friends when she gets after them for saying things like, “I don’t want to get my hopes up in case that dream doesn’t come true.” I always want to say (and sometimes actually do say) “Why NOT get your hopes up? If this is your dream…if this is the thing that has burrowed itself into your heart and you WANT it hugely, then why not hope? Why not hope hugely?” I believe dreams deserve to have hope and emotion poured into them…sometimes the emotion isn’t good. Sometimes it means some disappointment along the way. But I’m not a fan of holding back just for the sake of shielding ourselves from disappointment.

    Wow, sorry I guess I got a little sermon-y on that. All that to say, I really love your post. And I’m a huge fan of not only dreams, but putting heart and thought and action into our dreams.

    1. Post
      Cynthia Herron

      Melissa, you can preach anytime! We tend to think alike. I’m a “What’s the worst thing that can happen?” kind of gal. Usually, it’s not as bad as we imagine it to be. (And once we’ve trudged through the valley, I believe we look at life through a different lens. We embrace life a little more fully.)

      Disappointment comes and it’s a natural process, but to live life always expecting it denies God’s plan for us. Loved your comment!

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