Are You Pursuing Your Passion?

Cynthia Herron Motivation 3 Comments

Image Credit: Chris Chabot/PhotopinCC

Image Credit: Chris Chabot/PhotopinCC

There are those crystal clear moments in life when we finally “get it.” We realize life’s too short not to pursue the things we love. (Here’s why.)

Take writing, for instance.

For years, I had to place my dream on hold for various reasons– another career path, having babies, raising babies, caring for an ill child, and the list goes on.

Along the way, I did a lot of soul-searching. I re-evaluated my options.

I could quit and throw in the towel or I could persevere, despite hardship. Since I’m a pretty determined person, I decided to dig in my heels and keep going.

My passion was worth it.

The only guarantee I had was this: if I quit, my writing dream wouldn’t happen. There are rarely freebies in life, so I knew perseverance was key. (And if you need a little encouragement as you persevere today, read this.)

It saddens me when I hear folks tick off things they wish they’d done or lament they’re “too old” to pursue their passion now.

Missed opportunities are heartbreaking, yes. But… I don’t think we should get so weighed down by the guilt that it cripples us and holds our mindsets hostage.

As I’ve matured (sounds better than aged), I’ve realized more than ever how fleeting life is.

I’m more intentional now with

  • My time
  • My resources
  • My talent
  • My passion

I think when we’re younger, we fully intend to do everything we believe we will. None of us envision life’s interruptions or setbacks. In our youth, we’re invincible. We don’t comprehend how easily things can change in a heartbeat.

As a young man, my cousin was at the top of his game. He was athletic and had the career of his dreams. In the blink of an eye, he became a quadriplegic.

The irony?

*Ty was pursuing his passion.

He couldn’t have known as he set out on a motorcycle ride one glorious sunny day that by nightfall, he’d be fighting for his life.

That was five years ago.

Ty’s life changed dramatically.

Which brings up another consideration…

Should fear inhibit us? Should it keep us from living— from pursuing those things we love?

If it’s healthy fear, it’s good to pause and think about the consequences. (Most definitely!)

If it’s unfounded fear, or reluctance to move forward because we’re afraid of failure or a little egg on our face, that’s something else entirely.

It’s always wise if we talk to others and get their perspective. We’re not completely objective when it comes to ourselves.

So I guess I would leave you today with this:

If you’re not pursuing your passion, why is that? What’s holding you back?

If life interruptions aren’t the problem, maybe you need a little kick-start (like these ideas to get you started).

There’s only one you.

One life.

One chance.

To be intentional with the path God’s ordained for your life.


What’s something you’re passionate about?

How are you pursuing your passion?


(*To protect my cousin’s privacy, not his real name.)


Is your passion worth it? How to tell: (Click to Tweet)

Blessings Always,

Comments 3

  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Well, you made me think. Again. And again.

    I’ve come to realize that, at least for me, passion is the greatest enemy of life. It’s eventually a spiral of ego, in which I become more and more enthralled by the reflection in the mirror-ball of my heart.

    Case in point – I once had a passion for aviation. In 2003-4 I worked insanely long hours to build an airplane in the garage (and living room).

    I had fewer dogs then; only five. I’d pat them on the head as I passed by. They wanted to play; I wanted to build.

    The airplane was sold before I could fly it, to pay for medical bills. The dogs are dead now.

    I received some great compliments for my workmanship, and have some nice – and unlikely – pictures of things like a wing in the living room.

    They are cold consolation for the chances to play that I rejected as I passed by.

    In the end my passion has to be for life, for appreciation of the moments that won’t come back. Not in a saccharine Hallmark sense, but in the very real knowledge that we can only walk this path in one direction, and that the we may endure another kind of Passion as the cost of opportunities missed.

    1. Post
      Cynthia Herron

      You brought up an interesting point, Andrew. Misdirected passion. And yes– that happens, to the best of us if we’re not careful (and intentional). I think it’s key, though, that we don/t beat ourselves up over it. We learn and move on.

      And I believe in your case, God used those previous lifepoints to grow your witness. You’re such an encourager!

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