ACFW Post-Conference Wind-Down

Cynthia Herron Writing Conferences Leave a Comment

Today marks almost two weeks since I returned from the 2016 ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) conference. (For a recap see this post.)

Wow. It doesn’t seem possible.

During that time, I’ve written a few blog posts, sent out my September newsletter, and followed up on important business matters. A few days ago, I actually finished unpacking (I know), and I attempted to shuffle and organize office paraphernalia. I also made two more (albeit short) out-of-town trips, grocery shopped, cleaned house (okay—briefly), and perused workshop notes.

I think it’s safe to say—I’m officially in ACFW post-conference wind-down mode.

Ahh. Goodness gracious me. The exhaustion has finally caught up!

This weekend I plan to visit with my little college gal, as well as snag some much-needed rest.

Next week, I’ll hit the ground running again, ready to tackle my work-in-progress with fresh eyes and a renewed mindset.  I’ll think forward.

Sometimes, though, before we gear up it’s necessary we wind down. It’s okay (even biblical) to hand the everyday stuff over to God. When we do that, it creates momentum for miracles in the making. After we’ve rested, we’re then able to embrace the future with outstretched arms and not spaghetti limbs.

Remember those seasons I’ve mentioned before?

Well, let’s revisit that subject for a moment.

Thirteen days until the official start of fall.

Soon, a crisp chill will linger in the air as the new season ushers in change.

There’s nothing like fall in the Ozarks—in these ancient hills and hollows where my ancestors lived and gave birth to dreams.

I find my creativity level soars during this time of year more than any other.

Maybe it’s the palette of pretty color or the heady scent of chimney smoke in the air that kick-starts my need to create. Maybe it’s because fall is the precursor to colder, gloomier days of winter. Whatever the reason, I embrace this time and map out a plan to accomplish writing-related tasks and goals.

I don’t get fancy.

I stick with a simple note card method. (I use colored cards secured with an adjustable ring and jot down ideas as I go. I number them and arrange them in order of importance.)

For instance, these are a just few things on my to do list—things I’ve listed on various note cards I’m shooting for this fall:

  • Finish my WIP (I hope to have the rough draft completed by the end of November.)
  • Research trips to outlying communities in the Ozarks
  • Office housekeeping (Purge accumulated junk!)
  • Reorganize and gather new material such as photos, newspaper clippings, etc. for my idea files
  • Renew dues to writing organizations (Thankfully, there are deadlines so I must tackle those first.)
  • Work on a book review ( I don’t do this on a regular basis.)
  • Develop new blog posts

 New seasons give us that necessary nudge to explore opportunities.

And with a change in season, sometimes a geographical shift is also in order. That’s why research trips are high on my priority list. When I physically go to a new place, my inspiration soars.

Maybe the fall kick-starts your creative juices, too.

If not so much, what can you do to change that?

Perhaps, it’s time to look at new goals and alter course. Since mindset plays a huge role in what we accomplish, I recommend you steer clear of the Negative Nancys and Downer Dans. (Their agenda does not coincide with God’s best for you.)

Let this fall be your game-changer!

Wind-down to gear up. Don’t compare your productive season to someone else’s. Do practice balance.


Do those wild and crazy things you’ve convinced yourself are too silly or too far-fetched. This is your time to shine. Begin your new season with a fresh vision. Imagine something different, better than last season.

Soak up that feeling.

It’s called “success.”



Post-conference blues? No worries! Wind-down to gear up.


It’s time. Approach your new season with confidence. Here’s why.



Need Encouragement? Here’s a Basketful!

Passion: 15 Tips to Kick-Start Our Creativity

Be a Different Egg: Don’t Get Scrambled!

 Original Image Credit: Nikiko/Pixabay

 How are YOU winding down before gearing up?

Do you take time to recharge between seasons? In what way?

What are you looking forward to in your new season?


If you’re a recent newsletter subscriber and you didn’t sign up in time to receive September’s awesomeness—don’t despair. I have you covered! Just let me know you’d like September’s newsletter and I’ll forward one to you. You don’t want to miss my ACFW pre-conference oops. It’ll make you smile. 🙂

See you next week! Happy Weekend!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

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