5 Ways to Nurture Your Creative Spirit

Cynthia Herron Creativity 4 Comments

In today’s world  of go-go-go it’s easy to place ourselves on the back burner.

I know I’m guilty of this at times.

I’m a wife. I’m a mom. I’m a writer. I have multiple commitments with limited time to get everything done. 

Sometimes, I’m so focused on taking care of others’ needs and must-dos that I forget to nurture myself.

Not good.

For creatives it’s healthy and necessary to recharge our batteries. We must find ways to infuse oomph into sagging mindsets and exhausted bodies. 

I’m much better about this now than I used to be. 

I realize that in order to stay in top form mentally and physically, it requires intentional discipline to step away sometimes and care for me.

My spirit craves the gentle attention and my craft depends on it. Yours does, too. 

Whether you’re a writer, a painter, a musician, whatever. Give yourself permission to step away for a tune-up.

Being proactive with our time and talent doesn’t make us meanies. It makes us smart.

Proper maintenance keeps us grounded.

Need suggestions?


Here are 5 Ways to Nurture Your Creative Spirit:


1. Take research trips.

They can be as elaborate or as simple as your resources allow. The idea is to learn, grow, and have fun! Even if you’re not a writer, you’ll enjoy the change of scenery and maybe make a friend or two.


2. Do mini-Vacays.

Plan a restful weekend at a favorite get-away. Being free from the constraints of a calendar or the ticking of a clock generates new ideas and promotes well-being.


3. Do something spontaneous.

Maybe it’s something you’ve never done before. All the better!


4. Add fuel to the fire.

Incorporate some pick-me-ups into your day. What unleashes your inner Einstein?

Just what the doctor ordered!

Just what the doctor ordered!


5. Indulge in the silly.

Watch a funny movie. Eat Cheerios with chopsticks. Let laughter kick-start those happy hormones!



What else would you add?

How often do you make the effort to nurture your creative spirit?


In need of a tune-up? 5 suggestions to re-energize: (Click to Tweet)

Blessings Always,

Comments 4

  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    This may sound lame…but my creative energy is recharged by the daily routine. I figure if I can’t find inspiration here, it won’t be waiting for me along some other road, whether real or metaphorical.

    Not that there’s a choice. I run a 24-hour clock, with the needs of the dogs, my illness keeping me awake, taking care of the house, making sure Barbara has clean clothes and food to take to work, welding, and writing.

    A life of service, I guess…it does speak to my heart. It’s what I am.

    1. Post
      Cynthia Herron

      Andrew, whatever works for you isn’t “lame” at all! For me, I know it’s necessary to get away or do something out of the ordinary to rekindle my creative juices. You’ve found your sweet spot and if that nurtures your spirit, more power to you. I know you’re a blessing to Barbara, as well as to all the furry friends you care for.

      And to serve is to model Christ!

    1. Post
      Cynthia Herron

      Jennifer, you made me smile! Here’s to enriching others’ lives! *clink* And here’s to a creativity recharge! *clink* (Why don’t I just pass the coffee pot on over your way?!) *handing you my new stainless steel carafe* Feel the love?

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