20 Terrific Ways Writers Spread Joy

20 Terrific Ways Writers Spread Joy

Cynthia Herron Writing 2 Comments

I’m a people-lover. And because I care about people (YOU) I love to spread joy!

I’ve had some disappointments. I’ve walked the valley. (I’ve shared some of those trials here and here.)

I think when we experience life’s heartaches, we view others’ hardships through a fresh lens. We’re more inclined to nitpick less, listen better, and love more.

Sometimes, it’s difficult for folks to talk about what they’re going through. Transparency is tough. Uncomfortable.

Years ago, I knew an acquaintance who always had a bounce in her step and a smile on her face. One day, I learned a lightning bolt truth: “Barb” was a fake. Beneath her happy-go-lucky facade, this young woman hurt. Holidays seemed especially cumbersome for her.

So as we settle into this beautiful fall season and  prepare for the holidays ahead, I want us to take a moment and consider our writing friends—those treasured souls who’ve touched our lives and forever influenced our journey.

One of my posts that still generates traffic is my Top 10 Characteristics of a Joy-Bearer.

With that in mind and a bit of a different spin, here’s how writers can spread the love.


20 Terrific Ways Writers Spread Joy


1. Joy-minded writers write something worthy.

They take the high road. They uplift. Motivate. Inspire. Love.


2. They comment, retweet, and share.

They are intentional. They multiply fabulous thoughts!


3. They mentor others in their journey.

Fifteen minutes, one day, a week, a month, or longer.


4. They lend an ear.

And keep a confidence.


5. Joy-minded writers encourage.

They offer a kind word. A smile. A hug.


6. They pay it forward.

When someone extends a kindness their way, joyful writers keep the ball rolling!


7. They are authentic.

They say the very thing you wish someone would say to you. And they mean it.


8. They deliver a pep-talk.

They accentuate the positive. They reboot a day gone south.


9. They share knowledge.

Joyful writers aren’t selfish. If they know something that will help, they happily bear glad tidings!


10. Joy-minded writers toot others’ horns.

They shine the spotlight on friends’ accomplishments and lavish praise accordingly.


11. They show appreciation.

They send  encouraging e-mails, cards, and well-wishes. They sometimes even mail goodie packages!


12. They solve a problem.

They help without being asked. They “fix things” that are within their power to fix.


13. They compliment (and complement.)

They find something good to say. They bring out the best without hidden agendas.


14. Joy-minded writers brainstorm.

They weed through the “noise” to help with solutions.


15. They pray.

They bear others up when the going gets tough.


16. They follow through on promises.

Their word is their bond. If they commit, they finish the task with a joyful mindset.


17. They challenge. (In a good way.)

They inspire others to rise to new heights.


18. They hook up.

They link back to favorite websites and highlight folks in their sidebars.


19. They generate excitement.

They host guest bloggers, offer book reviews, giveaways, and influence free gratis.


20. Joy-motivated writers stay the course.

They persevere when they’d really rather not. And encourage others to do the same.


Today’s post is dedicated to those writers who spread the love—day in, day out—and expect nothing in return.

I appreciate you and I know the folks you bless do, too.



Top 20 Ways We Show Writers We Care

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Know a writing friend who needs a pick-me-up? Here are 20 ideas!

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How has a writing friend recently blessed you?

What other ideas would you add to the list above?

Be a blessing, friends!

Love ya in Jesus,

Comments 2

  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    They have the humility to say, “I’m overwhelmed, and I can’t do this alone.” And they reach out.

    Every time we reach out to a friend, we offer that friend a blessing, and another jewel for a Heavenly crown.

    Every time we keep it all inside, we make the world just a little bit colder, because walls between people are organic, and can grow from the smallest seeds of pride.

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